About Us
In the year 2000 in her home country of France, Beatrice, the founder and designer of Blue Boheme, opened Boutique Blue in Juan Les pins, French Riviera.
Boutique Blue quickly became known for it’s beautifully curated collection of unique vintage, and handmade clothing and accessories, which Beatrice had collected during her travels at bazaars and craft markets around the world.
While on her first trip to India, being inspired by the incredible array of textiles the region had to offer, she decided to create her own clothing line. She mixed fabrics like voile cotton and silk with accents of lace and crochet, incorporating the arts of hand-block printing and hand-embroidery, everything being delicately hand-crafted by local Indian artisans.
Beatrice draws inspiration for the Blue Boheme collection from 60’s and 70’s vintage clothing. It reflects a feminine, wanderlust, bohemian lifestyle, free spirit, and vagabond mind.
Blue Boheme is now sold in boutiques all over the world and has become well known and sought for their incredibly intricate, hand-made, one-of-a-kind pieces. Beatrice has since moved to Southern California where she now lives with her family, and still enjoys traveling the world in search of new inspiration and treasures.

Béatrice originaire du Sud de la France, a ouvert son magasin Blue en 2000 à Juan Les Pins.
Elle y vendait des vêtements et accessoires chines sur les marchés artisanaux lors de ses nombreux voyages en Asie. Son premier séjour en Inde fut une révélation.
Elle commença a y créer sa ligne de vêtements bohème, utilisant voile de coton et soie, mélangeant dentelles, crochet, imprimés et broderies faites à la main par les artisans Indiens.
Les tuniques, kaftans et robes Blue Bohème sont inspirés par les vêtements vintage des années 60 et 70, et réflectent un esprit vagabond, bohème, libre et toujours féminin. La collection Blue Bohème est vendue dans des boutiques du monde entier.
Béatrice vit et travaille maintenant en Californie où elle s’est installée avec sa famille depuis quelques années.